Saturday, May 23, 2015

Torrent Falls Rock Climbing Adventure and Natural Bridge State Park

Troop 402's
Adventures at Torrent Falls and Natural Bridge State Park
May 22, 2015 to May 24, 2015

We had a great time playing at Torrent Falls.   The weather was great, warm in the day and a nice chill of 50s at night for some great sleeping.  Everyone achieved their climbing goals and those who have been there before even tried a few new things.   I should point out that Nick B.  went around all 6 sections 3  times.   Yes he went thru 18 sections total for the day!  I don't know how he can move his arms and legs.  Once we returned back to camp,  Mr. Hoffman welcomed us with some homemade cookies and cream ice cream.  O-SO-GOOD...MMMM  followed by "brain freeze".   What a great treat to finish off the day.  On Sunday (actually both days) we had a nice early wake up call by the whip-poor-will.  I am not sure why this bird though it was a rooster, but both mornings for about 20 min straight, the whip-poor-will sang.  After we gave into the daylight and got up.  Had a quick breakfast then went for a hike up to the top of Natural Bridge State park.  We took the Original Trail, which was nice and empty at 7:30am and then crossed the top checking out the views on the way to Lovers Leap and Devils Gulch for our exit down battleship rock trail.